Langham Beauty Galleria located in Langham Place, Mongkok, Hong Kong, is a 2000 sqm beauty hall. Occupying 2 levels the beauty hall operates as a platform for a range of beauty vendors, rotational events and pop ups.
Unlike traditional beauty halls, the spatial identity of Langham Beauty evokes a return to nature, and one’s natural radiance. This is represented in the organic rhythm of the timber ceiling fins, undulating radiating trees, a truth in materiality and ephemeral light.
Upon entering the beauty hall, one passes through a double height space. Previously closed off by a skylight Linehouse opened the atrium, inserting timber trees which line the passage. The trees undulate in height, creating a forest-like canopy through the circulation space and filtering light down into the retail floor below.
The atrium perimeter is lined with timber fins which wrap down to cover the ceiling plane, hovering above the vendors. These timber fins organically shift in profile creating a sense of passing time and rhythm.
An honest material palette of oak timber is employed for the trees and ceiling. The structure of the trees is composed of a series of timber fins which diverge out in a radial pattern at the tree tops to form the canopies. Lower level trees are back lit, creating focal points to guide customers through the retail floor.
The design of the lower level fixtures seek contradiction in materiality to create qualities of natural vs man-made, tectonic vs. organic. The fixtures are composed of inserted stainless steel elements and floating plush peach glass.
Langham Beauty Galleria
- Year of Completion : 2022
- Area : 2000sqm
- Architect : Linehouse
- Design Lead : Briar Hickling, Alex Mok
- Project Address : Langham Place, Mongkok, Hong Kong
- Architect Website :
- For more information, contact : [email protected]